Monthly Plans

Not everyone wants to measure, mix, buy, or store bulk feeds for your horses. Think of this like a grocery box, but for your equine athlete, shipped straight to your door. With a monthly plan, you will receive a consult ($65 value) as well.

Any prepared plan, or custom plan can be turned into a monthly plan. We will ship your 30 days of pre-mixed and pre-measured feed at your convenience! A faster, easier, and affordable way to provide proper nutrition for your horse.

The monthly plans are sold in a 2 month minimum for your first purchase to ensure your horse blooms.


Monthly Maintenance Plan

$50 monthly

Our Maintenance plan is designed specially for an already healthy horse, and provide perfect nutrition to keep them that way. This plan is anti-inflammatory, provides complete vitamins and minerals, a healthy omega 3 to 6 ratio, reduces the risk of colic, and supports bloom. It also supports healthy hooves, a better attitude, and adds a competitive edge to your horse. It supports the body in daily work, conditioning, and performing. For just $1.67 a day!

Monthly Weight Gain Plan

$75 monthly

Our Weight Gain Plan is specifically designed for any older horse, or hard keeper. It not only adds weight, but reduces inflammation, adds joint support, immune support, complete vitamin and minerals, digestive support, a healthy omega 3 to 6 ratio, and reduces the risk of colic. All for $2.59 a day!

Monthly Growth Plan

$75 monthly

Our Growth Plan is deigned for young horses, horses in training, or heavy work. It supports a healthy weight and energy to continue performance. It also reduces inflammation, supports the gut, provides immune support, complete vitamins and minerals, supports healthy hooves and bones, a healthy omega 3 to 6 ratio, builds muscle, improves top line, and reduces the risk of colic. All for less than three dollars a day!


Maintenance plan Results